Nomis is a service provided by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, to give you free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.

Information for first-time visitors
or Register

Important note

Phone support is currently unavailable. If you need help, please contact us by email.

Labour Market Profiles

View a labour market profile of an area. Includes some of the data from our key datasets on population, employment, unemployment, qualifications, earnings, benefit claimants and businesses.

Local Area Report

View a report for a local area such as a parish, ward, village or town. Includes information on the characteristics of people and households in the area.

Data Downloads

Query icon

Create a data download from one of our full range of data sets. Data is available at a very detailed level.

Census Statistics


  • Mortality: New 2019 statistics released
  • Live births in England and Wales: New 2019 statistics released
  • Annual Population Survey: Estimates for period ending March 2020 released
  • Claimant Count / Jobseekers Allowance: June 2020 data released
  • Django连接MySQL_数据库_爬墙少年-CSDN博客:2021-7-19 · 爬墙少年 CSDN 认证博客专家 CSDN认证企业博客 码龄8年 29 原创 9 粉丝 14 获赞 10 评论 11万+ 访问 1408 积分 8 收藏 11万+ 周排名 6万+ 总排名 等级 TA的主页 私信 关注 最新文章 ...



Claimant Count11/08/2020 07:00Confirmed爬墙
Job Seekers Allowance Counts11/08/2020 07:00Confirmed科学爬墙
Job Seekers Allowance Flows11/08/2020 07:00ConfirmedNext week
Labour Force Survey - headline indicators11/08/2020 07:00ConfirmedNext week
Workforce jobs15/09/2020 09:30ConfirmedNext month
UK Business Counts29/09/2020 09:30ConfirmedNext month
Business Register and Employment Survey30/09/2020 09:30Provisional爬墙
Annual Population Survey13/10/2020 07:00Confirmed2 months
Population estimates - small area basedOct 2020Provisional2 months
爬墙爬墙,进行访问Provisional5 months
MarriagesApril 2021Provisional8 months
BirthsJuly 2021Provisional11 months
MortalitySummer 2021科学爬墙12 months

Other Official Statistics